Malta’s Pro-Choice Doctors Warn Of Increased Barriers To Safe Abortions Amidst COVID-19 Travel Bans

COVID-19’s global spread is affecting the lives of millions in endless ways, but back in Malta, a group of doctors have highlighted a new issue that stems right from the current travel ban.
Doctors For Choice Malta (D4C), a local organisation of pro-choice doctors, have warned of the increased barriers for women in Malta who seek abortions amidst the coronavirus lockdown.
“The need to travel to access safe abortion has always been a barrier to women in Malta,” D4C’s statement reads. “The current travel restrictions, required to control the COVID-19 pandemic, further highlight the fact that Malta’s reproductive health care is lacking in this regard.”
Going on to share a study discussing the potential effects COVID-19 could have on the world’s sexual and reproductive health services, D4C lamented the fact that it just got harder for Maltese women to get an abortion.
“Unfortunately, during this difficult time, women in Malta are unable to access abortion abroad, which is the only means to legally get an abortion.”
The situation all around the world isn’t looking too good. “Life-saving procedures, from caesarean sections to abortion care, may be delayed due to staff deployment and shortages and lack of infrastructure,” the study posted by Taylor & Francis Online reads.
“The lack of access to such an essential health care service needs attention,” the local organisation’s statement ends.
Malta is one of six countries to have a blanket ban on abortion.