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Maltese Activists And Equality Commissioner Dalli Brave Hooligan Threat At Pride March In Serbia

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A Maltese contingent headed down to Belgrade, Serbia, to attend the Pride March over the weekend – regardless of threats from local hooligans and fascists.

Members from Allied Rainbow Communities (ARC), local LGBTQI+ activists as well as European Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli were on the ground, marching with Serbian and international activists, calling for better rights for the queer community.

“We are marching in Belgrade at Europride,” ARC said, sharing an image from the march.

“Finally the Serbian Government removed the ban for activists to gather. Let’s hope the LGBTQI+ community in Serbia are granted the rights and protections they are entitled to.”

“After overcoming some challenges, the Europride march in Belgrade happened,” Commissioner Dalli said.

“Under rainfall and a lot of security, Serbian people alongside people from across Europe show that when you are on the right side of history, you must persist,” Dalli said.

She called out the “ringing of church bells” from a nearby cathedral as something she recognises from a local context, saying it didn’t “impress” her much. 

“No one chooses how they are born. Everyone has the right to live a life free of discrimination,” she emphasised.

During the visit to Belgrade, Dalli also met with Prime Minister Ana Brnabić, thanking her for her continued work towards equality in Serbia.

Have you ever attended a Pride march abroad? Sound off in the comments below 

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Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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