Maltese Businesses Urge Government To Partially Subsidise Salaries And Pay Employees’ Quarantine Leave

Cover photo:Chamber of Commerce President David Xuereb with Prime Minister Robert Abela
Maltese businesses have urged the government to partially subside the salaries of employees and self-employed people and to finance all obligatory quarantine leave.
The Chamber of Commerce, which represents several major local businesses, today presented Prime Minister Robert Abela with its economic vision for Malta over the next five years.
Besides the two aforementioned measures, the Chamber has also urged the government to introduce medical, financial and technical support for essential operations including production, agriculture, shipping and logistics, that must be retained and maintained in all cases.
It has also insisted that any late payments outside credit terms owed to private enterprises involved in public procurement contracts should be paid without any further delay.
Chamber President David Xuereb said the Chamber’s economic vision has become more relevant than ever in the wake of uncertainty brought about by the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak.
“The current situation requires all to exercise the highest ethical standards and refrain from resorting to populist or cheap tricks in order to score points,” Xuereb said. “The Malta Chamber is in fact being proactive and constructive in its approach, at a time when everyone’s collaboration is essential.”
“Within the context of the current situation, The Malta Chamber is choosing to be constructive in its criticism and has prepared a document, listing the key recommendations needed by businesses at this time.”