Maltese Ex-Soldier Who Lost Arms And Legs Through Sepsis Should Be Aided By State, PN MP Urges

Malta is uniting in solidarity with Shawn Mifsud, a 37-year-old former soldier, who had to have both arms and both legs amputated after developing sepsis last summer.
However, as his wife Graziana seeks to raise €200,000 to help him get bionic arms and prosthetic legs, PN MP Alex Borg urged the state should step in.
“It should be something normal for the government to aid people who give a service to the country,” Borg told Lovin Malta.
The MP wrote that while he will do his utmost to ensure this family gets all the necessary help, a serious discussion must also be held about how the state should step in to aid such families.
“At the end of the day, the kindness we showed in recent days applies to these people too.”
Borg asked a PQ to establish the criteria one must meet to obtain government funds for prosthetics and said he is ready to push to update them.
“I am certain that, with goodwill, both sides of the House can agree on the best way forward to help people in need,” he said.
Meanwhile, zookeeper Anton Rea Cutajar announced plans to hold a fundraiser for Mifsud at his Arka ta’ Noe zoo in Siġġiewi on 21st January. He said that he had to cancel a holiday to organise the activity but that “it’s impossible to hear of a case like his and not help out”.
There has been an outpouring of support for Mifsud and over 300 people shared an interview he gave TVM in which he spoke about how his life turned around last summer.
Mifsud said he suddenly fell ill while attending the feast of St Helen in Birkirkara last August and was rushed to hospital, where it was found he had got infected by a virus and developed sepsis.
After a fortnight of lying unconscious, medics informed him that his arms and legs would have to be amputated. Despite this sudden and shocking change to his life, Mifsud adopted a stoic approach.
“I have accepted my lot and will continue with my life. This is the hand I have been dealt and it’s pointless to sit around and cry. We will see what lies ahead but life must go on.”
You can help Shawn and his family achieve their goals by sending a contribution via the methods below:
IBAN: MT13 VALL 2201 3000 0000 5001 1233 201.
Revolut: 99298024
BOV mobile to mobile: 79327955
Tag someone who you think can help out the Mifsuds during their time of need