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Maltese Friar On Construction Victim: ‘He Was A Worker Like Us Trying To Make His Daily Bread’

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A Maltese friar visited the Bormla construction site that collapsed this morning, leading to one man’s death and another man being injured.

Speaking amidst a number of concerned neighbours as well as emergency responders, the friar said that the worker who lost his life was “a worker just like us, trying to make his daily bread”.

Other people in the area described the late migrant worker as “a quiet man who kept to himself”.

The two victims have yet to be identified although the injured man is believed to be a Maltese national from Valletta. He was rushed to Mater Dei for treatment after a wall that the workers were excavating collapsed this morning at around 8:30am.

The latest construction-related death in Malta led to anger among residents and has been criticised by the Chamber of Architects. Magistrate Charmaine Galea will now be holding an inquiry into the incident.

What do you think of this collapse?

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Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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