Man’s Finger Bitten Off During Argument Over Empty Parking Spot In St. Paul’s Bay

A man had his finger bitten off after he got involved in an argument about an empty parking spot in St. Paul’s Bay.
A Serbian driver was charged in court for being involved in the argument with the Maltese man on Sunday afternoon. He is pleading not guilty and has been released from custody.
The court heard how the argument started after one of the two men said that the spot should be left empty for a tow truck, and the tension between the men rose until the Serb allegedly bit off the Maltese man’s finger.
The Serb has been living in Malta for 11 years and has no criminal record. His lawyer Daniel Attard called for release from custody.
Inspector Godwin Scerri, who led the prosecution, did not object to the request for release from custody as the Serb also suffered injuries in the fight.
Scerri said criminal charges may also be pressed against the Maltese man, who was undergoing a hospital operation.
The court granted the request for release on a personal guarantee of €10,000. The Serb will also have an 11pm curfew and has to sign the bail book daily.
He was warned not to approach the victim in any way until the sentence is handed down, nor shouldn’t he approach the witnesses.
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