‘Casper Awaits You’: Margo’s Mistra Still Open Pending Ongoing Appeal, Owners Clarify

The owners of Margo’s in Mistra have clarified that the place is still open and accepting patrons, pending an ongoing appeal.
Back in August, the restaurant announced that it will soon be closing down due to lease problems and a legal dispute with the owners of the property.
Owner Claude Camilleri’s wife, Jazmin, has been taking care of the animals found in the restaurant’s garden for years. She expressed her concerns about what would have to become of the animals if it were to close down completely.
“I really care about Margo’s Mistra Bay along with the animals that I have been sponsoring for the past six years,” Jazmin told Lovin Malta.
Since their last announcement, the judge gave Margo’s restaurant a right of appeal, since they “have strong arguments to justify the extension of the lease”.
“As such, we now remain open until the legal process is exhausted. We thank you for your continuous support and look forward to many more lunches and dinners at a place that we will try to preserve and keep for you to enjoy,” the owners said.
“A gem like Margos in Mistra Bay is rare. Let us enjoy it while we can. Casper awaits you,” they said.
The restaurant’s garden has been known to home a good number of cats, chickens, and a pony called Casper, which would be in need of a new home if they lose the appeal.
Margo’s is a well-known family place in the heart of Mistra bay that offers one of the best Neopolitan-style pizzas on the island.
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