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Matthew Bartolo Reflects On The Fear Of AI And Embracing Change In A Rapidly Evolving World

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In the latest episode of the popular podcast L-Għaliex, Matthew Bartolo reflects on the deep-rooted fear people have towards artificial intelligence (AI), comparing it to a more general anxiety about change. Bartolo delves into how the evolving landscape of technology, language, and identity—especially in Malta—is causing concern about adaptability and the unknown.

Bartolo highlights that fear of change, whether it’s societal or technological, is a common human response. He draws parallels between the anxiety surrounding AI and the discomfort many Maltese feel towards the increasing use of English and foreign languages in everyday life. The fear of being left behind—whether it’s by new languages or by AI—is a shared concern.

In his discussion, Bartolo shares an example from a recent conversation with two guests, Max and Carlos. The dynamic between their use of English and Maltese reflects the tension between maintaining cultural identity and adapting to an ever-changing world.

This same tension, Bartolo argues, is mirrored in the fear many people have of AI and its potential to reshape industries and jobs.

Bartolo’s key message is that change is constant, and resisting it only amplifies fear. Instead of fighting against evolving technologies like AI, Bartolo encourages his audience to embrace change, adapt, and find opportunities within it.

The same can be said for language; as Malta continues to diversify, embracing both Maltese and English can open doors rather than close them.

He concludes by urging people to remain flexible and resilient, as adaptation is key to navigating both personal and societal transformations.

In a world where technology and language are rapidly evolving, Bartolo emphasises the importance of letting go of fear and welcoming the possibilities that change can bring.

As a final suggestion, Bartolo proposes incorporating Maltese subtitles in future English conversations, ensuring inclusivity and comfort for everyone. His ultimate takeaway: embrace change, stay flexible, and grow with the times.

What are you thoughts on AI?

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Lovin Malta’s social media coordinator, Charlene is a massive Swiftie obsessed with animals, scrolling and travelling. If she’s in the country for more than a day, you can find her reading on @onlyforthebooks

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