McDonald’s Għargħur Drive-Thru Forced To Close Early Because It’s Licensed As A Snack Bar

McDonald’s has clarified that its 24/7 drive thru in Għargħur will now be closing down early because it is licensed as a snack bar by law.
As part of the latest set of COVID-19 restrictions, snack bars and kiosks must close down between 11pm and 5am and are forbidden from selling alcoholic beverages.
Bars must close their doors entirely by Thursday, at least until 1st December.
“As all our restaurants, bar one [the Sliema outlet], operate under a snack bar licence, McDonald’s is fully compliant with the terms of the Legal Notice issued by the authorities last week, which clearly states that snack bars are to close their doors after 11pm,” a spokesperson for McDonalds told Lovin Malta. “The Legal Notice makes no exception for delivery and drive through services.”
The new laws have sown a great sense of confusion and unfairness among the industry, with wine bar owners questioning why they are being essentially forced to shut their doors while restaurants are allowed to sell alcohol.