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Minister Byron Camilleri Must Resign Over Safety And Security Failure, Adrian Delia Urges

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Nationalist MP Adrian Delia has called for Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri to resign over concerns that Malta has become less safe to live in.

Delia spoke out after Prime Minister Robert Abela reacted to a recent gang attack in Valletta by admitting that he would think twice before letting his own 10-year-old daughter walk by herself through the capital city.

“When a Prime Minister pronounces the failure of security and safety in one’s own country under his own watch the first thing one would expect is the handing in of the resignation of the Minister of Interior,” Delia said.

“Of course in Malta this shall not happen. Therefore it is only political gesturing and responsibility shirking. Sad but worse still dangerous.”

“This leaves the citizens in disarray. It spreads fear and anxiety when he does not only highlight a massive breakdown of societal discipline but offers no solution at all. Where do the people look for protection then? How will they seek to leave in peace and quiet? Who will guarantee their well-being?”

“This does not augur well for our country . We have embarked on a slippery slope and it is safe to conclude that those who created this chaos can certainly not be the ones to solve it.”

A group of teenagers was recently targeted by a gang while walking in Valletta, leaving at least one boy with a grievous leg injury that required him to undergo surgery and others requiring medical treatment at a nearby polyclinic.

Police are still investigating the attack, with officers saying they cannot divulge any information on ongoing investigations at this early stage.

Delia also criticised Abela for urging the courts to take a strong stance against Jeremie Camilleri, who was recently charged with the murder of Pelin Kaya, warning that his comments amount to “undue pressure” on the judiciary.”

“A Prime Minister should not put blame on the judiciary or attack their sentencing policy, let alone put undue pressure on them in particularly testing times,” he said. “This both because they are prohibited from replying or commenting  in public and because it amounts to judicial interference constituting an asssult on their autonomy and independence.”

“If the Prime Minister truly wishes to see harsher repercussions to crime being administered by our courts what he should do is set up a law reform committee to revise and amend the criminal code and legislate harsher penalties.”

Cover photo: Left: PN MP Adrian Delia, Right: Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri

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Tim is interested in the rapid evolution of human society and is passionate about justice, human rights and cutting-edge political debates. You can follow him on Instagram or Twitter/X at @timdiacono or reach out to him at [email protected]

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