Breaking: Mosta Mayor Announces U-Turn, Ficus Trees To Remain In Village Square

Mosta mayor Chris Grech has just announced that the 12 ficus trees in the Mosta piazza will not be uprooted and transplanted after all.
“The Mosta piazza project was designed for the people,” Grech said. “I therefore have no problem with taking people’s wishes into account with regards to incorporating these ficus trees into the project.”
“The PL councillors and I, who are in the majority of the council, have taken note of the desire to keep the ficus trees where they are.”
“The oak trees that should have been planted in the village square can now beautify the Santa Margherita area in Triq l-Imsaqqfin. Many trees will be planted in the piazza.”
“This is an ambitious project that my colleagues and I embarked on despite all the obstacles because we know the Mosta community will benefit as a result. We prepared this project for the community and we are therefore listening to what the community is saying. The project’s goal isn’t only to beautify the piazza but to improve accessibility.”
“A project is also planned for the area behind the Mosta Church. That way, Mosta’s centre will benefit from lovely green, community-driven projects that will enhance the beauty of the Mosta Church that we are so proud of.”
The U-turn was announced ahead of a protest that Moviment Graffitti was planning to organise at 6:30pm tonight.
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