Nationalist MP Warns Of The Occult In Defence Of Teenager Charged With Sexually Abusing Underage Girlfriend, Sister And Mother

Nationalist MP and criminal lawyer Jason Azzopardi cited the powers of the occult in his defence of an 18-year-old man who has been charged with sexually abusing his 15-year-old girlfriend, her 18-year-old sister and their mother.
In a disturbing case this afternoon, a court heard how the 18-year-old Cospicua resident had taken advantage of his underage girlfriend’s mother’s belief in the occult by manipulating her and her daughters into performing sexual acts, including with each other.
“The mother practiced the occult and the accused would play on the girl’s superstitions by saying that she had opened the door to the devil,” inspector Eman Hayman recounted. “He took advantage of her. He would use a particular voice. This was all done to satisfy his sexual fantasies. He would manipulate the woman, giving her all sorts of commands, ranging from the simple to the sexual.”
“He would give the girl commands to have sex with her mother. On one occasion he had ordered the daughter to penetrate her mother with an object, but the daughter could not and so he did it himself.”
The 15-year-old girl eventually reported her boyfriend to the police, who arrested him and prosecuted him on multiple charges, including rape, holding the women against their will, forcing them to perform indecent acts, slightly injuring them and causing them to fear violence.
In his defence of his client, Jason Azzopardi warned that this was a case of the occult.
“Neither I nor my colleagues have ever met such a case in over 22 years,” he said. “It requires particular attention because the occult is involved. This was not a mere hobby, an exorcist had been summoned and had to celebrate mass in the property. Objects flew, voices in strange languages were heard. The root of the claims is this and this is why there are certain injuries.”
Azzopardi and his colleague Kris Busietta urged magistrate Rachel Montebello to appoint a psychiatric expert to examine the two women, noting that the mother had been admitted to Mount Carmel around 20-25 times.

“They are the primary witnesses in this case: in order to be able to question the witnesses we need to know the condition of the witness,” Busietta said.
However, the prosecution accused the defence lawyers of attempting to intimidate the witnesses and cast doubt over their credibility, and Montebello turned down the defence lawyers’ request, noting that she could appoint an expert to help the alleged victims when testify if she felt it was necessary.
Azzopardi requested bail for his client, arguing that he was innocent until proven guilty and that he hadn’t spoken to either of the two women despite being out on police bail for a month.
However, the court turned down this request, on the grounds that there was a real risk of tampering evidence, that no evidence appears to have been preserved and that the alleged victims were both vulnerable. A protection order was also issued in their regard.