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New db Plans Fail To Address Traffic Issues And Limit Cultural And Environment Impact, NGOs Say

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NGOs are demanding a meeting with the PA to detail their comprehensive objection to db Group’s controversial development of the ITS site, raising concerns that new plans fail to address crucial issues like its height and impact on culture, environment, and traffic.

db Group has recently gone on a charm offensive to promote their new plans for the site. However, the NGOs say that if approved the tower and hotel would engulf surrounding localities and their residents under massive structures as well as further push Paceville towards residential areas.

“The project also remains as damaging to the surrounding natural environment as it was before the revised plans,” they said.

Despite db reducing the height of the building, the organisations still believe that the “exaggerated” massing, volume and height of the proposed development are out of context with the area. Shadows caused by the building will also have a devastating effect on residents in the area, the NGOs said.

They insist that there is no indication that any studies on the ecological structure and vulnerability of the unique cave system lying precariously under the development, Ħarq Ħamiem, were conducted. However, db has said that they have.

“It is also unclear what will happen to the Cold War bunker that was discovered through research carried out by the objectors. From the drawings provided, it is impossible to deduce to what extent the bunker is being retained and which elements will be lost,” the NGOs explained.

One of their significant concerns remains the traffic and pollutions issues the development will generate in the area.

“There are no updated Traffic Impact Assessments providing a holistic overview as to whether the current road infrastructure is sufficient to contain the increased traffic generated by the proposed project,”they said.

The new application still does not include an infamous tunnel linking the hotel to the coast road which db has long touted as a solution to the traffic problem, the NGOs said.

In any case, the tunnel will not be funded by db – instead paid by the taxpayer, which the NGOs insist is in breach of the Floor to Area Ratio policy which they say requires applicants to contribute to the costs of any burdens generated by the development.

There are several other concerns, such as the breaches of Local Plan policies and several environmental considerations, including the excessive generation of inert waste and the lack of updated Environmental and Social Impact Assessments.

“These so-called “mitigating” measures proposed by the applicant and [we] consider them to be merely another excuse for taking over more public land under the pretence of making amends,” they said.

A summarised version of the objection has been placed on an online form and can be submitted to the PA by the general public.

Organisations who sent the statement are:

1. Bicycle Advocacy Group

2. BirdLife Malta

3. Din l-Art Helwa

4. Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar

5. Friends of the Earth Malta

6. Moviment Graffitti

7. Nature Trust Malta

8. Sustainable Built Environment Malta

9. The Archaeological Society of Malta

10. Żminijietna – Voice of the Left

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Julian is the former editor of Lovin Malta and has a particular interest in politics, the environment, social issues, and human interest stories.

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