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New Ombudsman For Malta As Judge Joseph Zammit Mckeon Takes Oath Of Office

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Judge Emeritus Joseph Zammit Mckeon has taken the oath of office as Ombudsman during a ceremony presided by President of Malta George Vella at Sant’Anton Palace today.

“As we all have been able to see over the years, since the Ombudsman’s law entered into force in 1995, this office received a considerable number of requests for investigations from the public,” Vella said during the ceremony.

“This shows that the general people trust in this institution, and regard it as an almost automatic means of remedy where and when there is a suspect of unjust decisions and/or misinterpretation of the law.”

“This same trust must be further strengthened by the duties carried out by the Ombudsman, which should continue to be performed with integrity and professionalism, without any favouritism or imbalance,” the President stated.

In his speech, Vella noted that through the creation of several Ombudsmen for specific functions, the work of this office continued to grow and expand in crucial areas such as health, environment and planning, and education.

Vella said the Office of the Ombudsman needs to evolve hand in hand, with some flexibility, with the new challenges that arise, while fully adhering to the principles and values underlying it. He added that “this balance is required for good governance, that reaches everyone. Often, bold decisions must be made, which will not always be liked by everyone.”

“I hope that, under your leadership Mr Ombudsman, your office will protect those who, for one reason or another, have no tools, faculty or even the strength to fight and overcome injustices,” concluded the President.

Present for the oath of office ceremony were Prime Minister Robert Abela, Leader of the Opposition Bernard Grech, and Speaker of the House of Representatives Anġlu Farrugia.

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Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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