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New Zealand Set To Loosen COVID-19 Restrictions Next Week As Jacinda Ardern Continues To Prove That An Elimination Strategy Works

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New Zealand is set to loosen coronavirus restrictions as of next week as the country continues to eliminate the virus from its borders. 

The Kiwi country continues to make leaps in the fight against COVID-19 and, just one month into lockdown, is already considering easing restrictions and moving to a ‘level three’ which would see more businesses able to trade, including those involved in takeaways and food deliveries, the construction sector and the forestry sector. 

New Zealand has a total of 1,105 coronavirus cases with 974 recoveries and 12 deaths in a population of 4.8 million.

“Our transmission rate, the number of cases each person with the virus passes it onto, is now 0.48, less than half a person each. Overseas the average is 2.5 people. We have amongst the lowest number of confirmed cases per 100,000 people in the world,” Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said.

The move to level three would have significant benefits for the economy however people are still being urged to stay inside unless absolutely necessary i.e. for exercise or food shopping.

Unlike most countries tackling the COVID-19 pandemic, New Zealand is pursuing an elimination strategy, something which it is able to do due to its not-so-densely populated cities. 

Both New Zealand and Malta are island-states that have adopted different approaches to COVID-19 with similar results reflecting a pragmatic approach to dealing with the coronavirus pandemic.

Although Malta did not adopt an elimination strategy for COVID-19, the country has an impressive track record with a total of 427 cases, 118 recoveries and 3 deaths. 

Malta also has a transmission rate of 1.1 – lower than the world average.

The country has looser restrictions than that of New Zealand with people being allowed to frequent beaches, exercises and hunt pending new social distancing regulations, such as not being able to congregate in groups larger than three. Health Minister Chris Fearne has already confirmed that Malta is working on an “exit strategy” that will see lockdown restrictions eased in a staggered approach.

What do you make of New Zealand’s approach? Let us know in the comments below

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When JP's not too busy working on polyrhythmic beats, you'll probably find him out and about walking his dog.

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