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WATCH: Iranian Owner Of Pilatus Bank At Centre Of #DaphneLeaks Leaves Office With Luggage, Says Nothing

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Update: A magistrate who investigated the Egrant case has established, after evaluating CCTV footage, that the owner of Pilatus Bank had been inside the bank, with his suitcases, since the early afternoon and was not carrying out large amounts of evidence as was implied in the Net News report. (25/07/18)

The Iranian owner of Pilatus Bank was filmed by Net News leaving the bank’s offices in Ta’ Xbiex tonight holding several pieces of luggage. Meanwhile, the website of Pilatus Bank has gone down.

Earlier this evening blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia claimed that payments were made through Pilatus Bank between the Azeri President’s daughter and the Maltese Prime Minister’s wife Michelle Muscat, who she claimed was the owner of Egrant Inc. The Prime Minister has denied the allegations but the Opposition leader is calling for an independent inquiry, as well as a police investigation.


READ NEXT: DaphneLeaks: Muscat Calls It ‘The Biggest Lie In Maltese Political History’

Christian is an award-winning journalist and entrepreneur who founded Lovin Malta, a new media company dedicated to creating positive impact in society. He is passionate about justice, public finances and finding ways to build a better future.

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