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7-Year Old Francesca Rausi To Represent Malta As Ambassador For International Down Syndrome Group

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A seven-year-old icon from Sliema is exhilarated to represent Malta as an ambassador for an international organisation for individuals with Down Syndrome.

Francesca Rausi is set to break new boundaries this year and is set to become an ambassador for Wouldn’t Change A Thing.

Wouldn’t Change A Thing is an international organisation solely focused on raising awareness on how Down Syndrome doesn’t have to be a barrier for anyone wanting to achieve their dreams.

It has its roots in a little video for World Down Syndrome day that went super-viral after which an organisation was launched to bring about awareness that individuals with Down Syndrome cant still change their dreams relentlessly.

When speaking to Michelle, Franny’s mother – it was pretty evident that she’s more than proud of her little treasure.

“Franny was chosen to represent the Maltese, she will be doing videos with other ambassadors spreading more awareness on social media to show that Sown Syndrome will not stop you from following your dreams,” she said.

Franny’s mother also told Lovin Malta that her daughter is working on participating in fashion shows both locally and internationally.

Lovin Malta wishes Franny the best of luck in her new role!

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