Freezer Dumped In Burmarrad Field Removed By Local Company Nectar
A chest freezer covered in Nestlé ice cream branding which was illegally dumped in a Burmarrad field has been removed by the local brand representatives of the food chain giant.
Nectar Limited told Lovin Malta that, after it found about the freezer, it decided to take action even though it was not one of its assets.
The company showed great initiative by organising the collection and correct disposal of the freezer, emphasised that “we believe that corporate responsibility extends beyond our own assets, and we are proud to act in the best interest of both the brand we represent and the community”.
Corporate responsibility should always be duly considered and companies should strive to add intrinsic value to the community as a whole.
Nectar emphasised how everyone should be more mindful of their waste and its effect on the area, by utilising the various services available to the public to maintain a healthy environment.
Do you think more companies should adopt this mindset?