Giorgia Borg’s Parents Warn Of ‘Paedophiles And Perverts’ After 11-Year-Old Singer Receives Sexual Messages From Grown Men

The parents of 11-year-old Maltese starlet Giorgia Borg have taken to social media after a number of lewd and sexual messages were sent to the young singer.
“From time to time, Giorgia receives sexual messages from grown men, as well as pictures,” Pamela Borg told Lovin Malta.
And it doesn’t end there – Pamela said that one of Giorgia’s followers is telling other fans that he had sex with Giorgia.
“The first time a message of this kind came through we were in shock because Giorgia is only 11-years-old so we definitely weren’t expecting something like this,” she lamented.
“You hear about these things, but when you experience it first hand you truly realise how real it is and how important it is to monitor what our kids are doing online. It’s not because we don’t trust them, but because of the paedophiles and perverts out there,” she continued.
Giorgia shot to fame after placing third in the 2018 Malta for Junior Eurovision Song Contest and wowing millions in an incredible performance on Britain’s Got Talent just one year later.
But there is the other side to fame that is rarely seen – and Giorgia’s parents aren’t going to let it slide by.
“Luckily Giorgia doesn’t have access to her pages but we do tell her about these messages, so she’s aware of the filth there is out there,” Pamela said.
“To other parents, we want to say that unfortunately these days us parents don’t have much time in our hands; however it is very important to spare five minutes every day to see what happens on our kid’s social media. We have all of Giorgia’s accounts directly linked to our phones so we’re aware of everything that happens straight away,” Pamela ended.