Jake Vella, Malta’s Most Inspirational Young Athlete, Has Been Released From ITU Just In Time For Christmas
Jake Vella, the inspiring Maltese youth that needs to constantly exercise to battle the rare condition he suffers from, has been released from the Intensive Therapy Unit of Mater Dei hospital.
There was an outpouring of support last month when the eight-year-old was rushed to hospital after falling onto the floor. Since the good news, a family friend wrote a Facebook post detailing the latest update on the child’s condition.
Good news about Jake
Jake Vella, the eight-year-old boy that suffers from a rare condition, has been released from the Intensive Treatment Unit at Mater Dei after about a month of treatment. Now, the boy will be able to spend Christmas with his family at home
Jake’s condition has led to him gaining weight rapidly even though he eats well and exercises.
He was taken to ITU after losing consciousness and falling onto the floor.
After being taken to the emergency at ITU, the young Jake today sent a signal with his eyes to those that were in the room with him.
This was said by the loved ones of Jake Vella on Facebook where they said that everyone’s prayers were arriving, and he thanked everyone in the name of the family.
Jake is known for his determination to be involved in sport in the face of the rare condition that he suffers from. It was actually last Tuesday in the evening when he was taken to Mater Dei hospitals emergency wing.
Jake loves practicing demanding sports even he has a medical condition that no matter how much he diets or does physical exercise, he keeps on putting on weight.
Jake Vella suffers from ROHHAD NET – Rapid-onset Obesity with Hypothalamic Dysfunction, Hypoventilation, and Autonomic Dysregulation
His incredible battle with the disease have captured the hearts and minds of people all over the world.
Just last month, his lifelong dream became a reality when he met the Brownlee Brothers, his athletic heroes. The brothers flew to Malta to take part in the Super League triathlon, and made it a point to meet the Maltese youth.