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Maltese Ex-Prisoner Talks Tattoos And Finding Love, After Appearing On Xarabank

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Last night’s episode of Xarabank was full of incredible first-hand accounts of what life is like in Corradino Correctional Facility, with a number of ex-prisoners and current prisoners opening up about their lives behind bars.

One of the most compelling stories was that of Jean Paul Is-Sufu Azzopardi, who used to run the streets and live on bus stops as a young child, before being incarcerated at the age of 17.

Appearing on Xarabank in a smart blue suit, Jean Paul spoke eloquently about his time in prison; however, his appearance caused quite a stir, with many commenting on his heavily tattooed face.

He publicly responded in a comment, saying he was no different than any other person

“I want to tell everyone that I might look very different from other people because I have a lot of tattoos but I want to make it clear that I was not imprisoned because I stole from people thank God. I was imprisoned because of a foolish mind. Today, I have a girlfriend and a daughter who I live for, Everybody makes mistakes in life, but it doesn’t mean just because I have tattoos I am not a person like everyone else. Thank you for maybe understanding me.”

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Pictured above: Jean Paul appeared on Xarabank along with other prisoners and ex-prisoners

A lot of people felt the same way as Jean Paul did, saying you can’t always judge on first appearances

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Since being released from prison, Jean Paul has dedicated himself to his partner and their daughter, doing his utmost to give them the best life he can.

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Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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