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‘My Nannu Wasn’t Just Another COVID Death,’ Maltese Granddaughter Says In Beautiful Tribute

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The granddaughter of a man who died from COVID-19 has taken to social media to remind the nation that her beloved nannu was more than just a statistic.

“Pawlu Cauchi was not just the 29th person to die of COVID-19 in Malta,” Janice Barbara Gatt said in a Facebook post. “Behind this number was a man devoted to his wife, blessed by God with seven children.”

As Malta’s COVID-19 death rate skyrocketed over the last couple of weeks, a fatigue over the deaths began to set in. When three deaths were announced in one day last week, the country couldn’t stop discussing the victims, their ages, and any underlying health conditions.

However, Barbara Gatt was not about to let her grandfather become another number.

“He was with his wife Tereza when she began losing her eyesight – and he remained independent after her death, so as not to be a weight on anybody’s shoulders,” she said.

“He fixed the family’s cars, and when there wasn’t work in Malta, he was among the first to go to Libya to bring home his family’s everyday bread. He was there to see his children grow up, marry and have their own children.”

Barbara Gatt’s post received over 1,500 reactions, with many praising her for her openness.

“He was a proud grandfather of 16 – and he would be the family’s taxi, especially for those walks in the countryside every Sunday,” she said.

She ended her post by breaking down his last days alive, with nannu Pawlu keeping a strong face on till the end.

“Because of this sickness, he spent the last 18 days of his life not allowed to see his loved ones – but he would speak to us on the telephone with a strong voice, telling us: “be blessed, take care of each other, I am well – they are taking care of me here.”

What do you think of this incredible tribute?

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Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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