On His Birthday, Mqabba Mayor Donates His Local Council Honorarium For A Month

Mqabba mayor Omar Farrugia celebrated his 25th birthday yesterday by announcing his intention to donate his local council honorarium for this month.
“On my birthday, and in these hard times we’re living in, I felt I had to keep helping others,” Farrugia said. “I’ve decided to offer my entire mayor’s honorarium for this month to people truly in need.”
“This is a moment where we must think about each other. #WeWillBeatCovid19 #StaySafe.”
The mayor will donate his honorarium to Dar Tal-Providenza, a Siġġiewi home for people with disabilities, and Fondazzjoni Suret il-Bniedem, a foundation which runs homeless shelters.
Farrugia joins a group of local politicians, including Prime Minister Robert Abela, who have pledged to donate their earnings as a gesture of solidarity with people struggling to make ends meet amid the COVID-19 crisis.