Tatted-Up Maltese Singer Mikaela Needs Your Help To Become The Cover Girl Of International Magazine Inked
One of Malta’s raciest metal singers wants to be the cover girl of Inked Magazine, the go-to global ‘zine for all things tattoo – and she needs your help to get there.
“I’m utterly thrilled that I was hand-picked to be in the chance of becoming the next cover girl on the immensely popular international tattoo magazine,” Mikaela told Lovin Malta.
“At the moment, it’s at the group stage, and only one girl from each group goes ahead to the next stage. I am currently second and need to place first to continue through the group stage and stay in the competition and – who knows – maybe become the first Maltese to win the title?”
For Mikaela, tattoos are a central part of her being
“I really love the art of it to start off with,” she said. “If I had never taken up music, I’d be going for a tattoo artist for sure as I love painting, drawing and creating things. I also love the aesthetic of it, how it adds and becomes part of someone’s personality, the symbolism it may have for some or for others just how decorative, characteristic and representative of a person.”
And to represent her passion on the cover of one of the most prolific tattoo publications would “mean the world” to her.
“I’ve been having an amazing response on my photo session photos that I have been publicly sharing on social media and have been receiving tremendous support from a lot of people which fulfils me greatly,” she smiled. “I am also currently working on creating my own Patreon where I will be sharing full sets, exclusive information, footage, photos, music and more. It’s in the works and I cannot wait to share more details about this!”
You can support Mikaela by following this link
“Anyone with a Facebook account can vote for me once every 24 hours on this link,” she explained. “Once they click on the link, they need to click on ‘Free Daily Vote’, log in on their Facebook, and click ‘Yes’ to vote for me if it’s their first time voting or on ‘Vote’ if they’ve already voted before. If they want to vote more than once, they can do so by clicking ‘Vote Again’ or by clicking on the same link and this time they click on Musicares, where every dollar qualifies for one vote. The money goes towards a musicians’ association to help musicians. All help in voting and sharing is appreciated.”
Voting closes next Wednesday, the 19th of June
Apart from her passion for tattoos, Mikaela growls her heart away with her band MartYriuM, who have a whole host of new tour dates around Europe coming up.