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Thirty Before 30: A Maltese Bucketlist I Want To Get Done Before I Hit The Big Three-Oh Next Year

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Meet David. He’s a marketing superhero by day, who enjoys baking, hiking, and all things cultural. By night, he has a penchant for making tequila-fuelled poor life choices. Forever alone, David lives with his two feline terrorists, Ali (as in Ali cat) and Astrophe (as in catAstrophe) – a true crazy cat lady in the making.

Do you remember that one episode of Friends where Rachel turns 30? Well, with 16 months to go until I hit the next decade, Joey’s cries of “why God, why?!” resonate.

And as I approach the big three-oh, I’ve come to realise that whilst I’ve already achieved so much – there are still so many life goals I want to achieve.

This gave me an idea – a bucket list of sorts which I’m calling Thirty Before 30. Over the next 16 months, I’ll (hopefully) tick items off my list, as I document my successes (and failures). What could possibly go wrong?

Some will be easy. Some will be challenging. Some will be damn near impossible. But hey, what’s life without a little challenge? I’m sure that many people who are panicking about approaching their thirties will be able to relate to at least one item on the list. I figure – if I can manage, anyone can.

So, what do I want to accomplish before I enter the next decade?

  1. Visit every country in Europe at least once (17 down, 32 to go. This doesn’t bode well for my bank account).

  1. Paint my bedroom walls without getting any paint on my two cats, Ali & Astro (harder than it sounds, trust me. They’re hyper little shits).

  2. Climb to the top of the plateau near Ghajn Tuffieha and live to tell the tale.


  1. Defy all odds against my generation and manage to buy property as – gasp – a single person.

  2. Lose 20 kilos. And keep it off (this time).

  3. Manage to go on more than three consecutive dates with someone (my track record hasn’t been that great).

  4. While we’re on the topic…date a guy who’s emotionally available (4 – yes FOUR – emotionally unavailable. There’s that track record I was talking about).

  5. Travel somewhere where I don’t speak the language, all alone.

  6. Manage to survive two months without tequila. (I work in marketing. Trust me, this is MUCH harder than it sounds.)

  7. Cook lunch for the family for Christmas/Easter/Father’s Day/Mother’s Day/Leif Erikson Day. Bonus points if I manage to do this without bursting into tears out of frustration. Double bonus points if we manage to get through the meal without family members getting into fights.

  8. Assemble IKEA furniture (OK this one’s a cheat – I successfully put together a bookshelf two weeks ago with the help of my flatmate. Ali & Astro have not yet dropped it. Success.)

  1. Finally get around to watching Simpatiċi (my inner Sliema boy shudders at the thought of watching an entire series in Maltese).

  2. Manage to keep a blog alive for more than two months (maybe I shouldn’t write this in my introductory blog post).

  3. Manage to keep a plant alive for more than two months (this will be more challenging than the blog thing).

  4. Make more of an effort to support local talent – actually join my friends to local concerts.

  5. Take one (ideally both) of my parents on a holiday. (Do you hear that noise? That’s the sound of the branch manager at BOV laughing her ass off).

  6. Clear my credit card debt (I don’t have high hopes for this one, truth be told).

  7. Learn how to scuba dive.

  8. Make it through one political discussion with my parents without getting into a fight.

  9. Watch a drag show (Tolqueen doesn’t count, as much as I love her).

  1. Run 10 kilometres without feeling the need to have Mater Dei on stand-by.

  2. Eat somewhere fancier than Serkin.

  3. Try every recipe in nanna’s recipe book. Try not to burn the kitchen down in the process.

  4. Overcome my body image issues and visit a nude beach. Find a way to write about it without coming across as a pervert. Pray that none of my clients read about it.

  5. Stop being a bum and get my own health insurance policy, instead of mooching off dad.

  6. Sort out my own taxes for a change, rather than running to dad (do you see a pattern forming here?)

  1. Survive the wilderness of L-Aħrax Tal-Mellieħa for a week. Bonus points if I manage to do this without social media. Double bonus points if I manage to do so without the help of alcohol (or other substances).

  2. Do some sort of voluntary work (spending time with my family doesn’t count as voluntary work, right?)

  3. Truly understand that three years is far too long to wait for my next visit to the GU clinic.

  4. Go back to school. Maybe a PhD. Dr David Debono has a nice ring to it.

Let’s get this show on the road, and wish me luck!

Tag someone who should start their own pre-30 bucket list

READ NEXT: This Is The Ultimate Selfie Bucket List Around Malta

Meet David. He’s a marketing superhero by day, who enjoys baking, hiking, and all things cultural. By night, he has a penchant for making tequila-fuelled poor life choices. Forever alone, David lives with his two feline terrorists, Ali (as in Ali cat) and Astrophe (as in catAstrophe) – a true crazy cat lady in the making.

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