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WATCH: International Vlog Praises Cat-Saving 11-Year-Old Maltese Boy… And It’s The Cutest Thing Ever

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Isaac Muscat, the adorable 11-year-old Maltese boy that stole our hearts through his inspiring work caring for stray cats in the St Paul’s Bay area, has been featured in a new international vlog.

WillItToBe featured Malta’s very own Isaac after he recently went viral for his sincere love and dedication to the stray cats in his locality. In the vlog, the host, Will Carmack, introduces Isaac as the hero that the world needs in these divided times.

“I am Isaac and I’m an 11-year-old boy from Malta. I’m just 11 years old, but because of me a whole community came together to buy me cat food and help me,” Isaac beams in the video.

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Isaac dreams of one day becoming a pilot, but is dedicating his time and money to creating a sanctuary for the stray cats

His dedication to his mission has inspired the St. Paul’s Bay community, with people coming together to help to fund the costs relating to feeding over 20 stray cats at a time.

Clearly though, the St. Paul’s Bay community are loving their local son

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If you’d like to help Isaac out with this heartwarming cause, you can donate via the methods below

You can donate through Love You Love All’s crowdfunding page, via Paypal or Revolut (9996 0337).

They will also gladly come to you to pick up food if you don’t have any time.

Everyone who donates will get recognition on their Facebook Page, Instagram and website.

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READ NEXT: Meet The 11-Year-Old Maltese Boy Who Regularly Feeds Over 20 Stray Cats In St Paul’s Bay

Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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