‘You Hit Hard And Ran Even Harder’: Heartfelt Tributes Pour In For Maltese Rugby Player Leo Mifsud

Tributes have poured in for former Maltese rugby player Leo Mifsud, who passed away naturally over the weekend at the age of 50, leaving behind two children, Rebecca and Matthew.
“Kavallieri Rugby Football Club are deeply saddened with the news of the demise of Leo Mifsud,” the team said in a statement this morning.
“He was a true gentleman on and off the pitch. He was respectful and had a wonderful smile which one could see it shining from far away. There are no words to describe the sorrow for this loss. Our deepest and sincere condolences to his family, relatives and friends. Rest in peace brother and dear friend.’
A touching tribute video was created by a fellow rugby player.
And emotional dedications from other coaches, players and wellwishers followed.
“Was no greater honour to pull on the jersey multiple times beside you. You hit hard and ran even harder. A true gentleman on and off the field. My condolences to your family and friends,” said one player.

Mifsud had played with the Phoenicians, Stompers, Valletta Lions and Falcons and was active up until four years ago.
Mifsud was among the first completely Maltese people chosen to represent Malta in the national rugby team against Moldova back in 2000. He continued to play with the national team until 2007, playing his last match away against Poland.