Chris Fearne Invites Robert Abela To A Victory Party He Has Already Booked At MFCC

Chris Fearne has invited fellow Prime Minister hopeful Robert Abela to a reception at the MFCC he has provisionally booked for the Saturday after the Labour leadership election.
During a debate on ONE, Fearne confirmed that he has provisionally booked a large hall at the MFCC for an event among PL members.
“If you accept my invitation, we will be there together along with our supporters,” Fearne said.
With a smile, Abela said that he hasn’t planned any receptions and therefore cannot reciprocate the invitation but shook Fearne’s hand on the spot, seemingly confirming his presence at the event if Fearne does indeed win.
Asked what role they would give their contender should they win the election, both Fearne and Abela confirmed that they will give the other a position in Cabinet.
“I know Robert Abela as a hardworking and intelligent man and I’ll give him all the space he needs in my Cabinet,” Fearne said. “I’m sure that we’ll work together for many years to come for the good of the party and the country.”
Abela was even more specific, stating that Fearne will maintain his current role as Health Minister.
“I believe that Chris is a very good Health Minister and I have trust in him, and indeed I proposed free medication [to elderly people] because I believe he can implement it.”
“If I don’t win, I will leave it up to the new leader to see how I can best contribute to the Labour Party.”