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OPM ‘Categorically’ Denies Benefit Fraud Racket Allegations, Says Similar Abuses Were Instantly Reported To Police

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The Office of the Prime Minister has “categorically denied” the recent slew of allegations surrounding a medical benefits racket implicating hundreds of voters and a number of high-ranking officials within the government and the Labour Party, taking aim at the Opposition’s recent statements on the scandal.

Earlier today, the Nationalist Party condemned Prime Minister Robert Abela on his “absolute silence after more than 48 hours from the latest scandal involving his government”, urging the opening of an investigation “for all the truth to emerge on Castille’s involvement in this racket of theft”. Asking who Robert Abela may be hiding or protecting, the PN’s statement goes on to mention not only former Labour MP Silvio Grixti (who resigned back in 2021 when the allegations initially surfaced), but also current minister Owen Bonnici, along with “people who work within the Office of the Prime Minister in Castille”.

As for its reply, however, the OPM did not mince its words, backing Bonnici’s categorical denial and even saying it was “crystal clear” in its reporting to the police of “allegations of similar cases of abuse”. It even said that any investigations into these cases had specifically started because of the office’s reports.

“It is imperative to note that a similar irregularity was reported to the Executive Police by the Permanent Secretary in charge of the People & Standards Division within the OPM, immediately when a suspicious case was brought to its attention,” the statement reads. Further Police investigations ensued.”

“It does not result that any employee at the customer care division ever suggested any ‘claimant’ or medical practitioner to commit any irregularity, nor that any such employee was aware of these alleged irregularities.” 

The OPM’s scathing reply went on to say that, should the Opposition expect to start being seen as credible, “it will at the very least need to start being aware of facts when it talks and stop basing statements on lies”.

This latest fraud racket – which was detailed in a report by the Times of Malta over the weekend – was broken down by prominent lawyer Jason Azzopardi during a five-hour conversation on Jon Mallia’s podcast.

The allegations say nearly 900 people benefitted from a “coordinated criminal system” where they would be offered medical benefits of up to €450 per month for conditions they did not have… supposedly in exchange for votes ahead of elections such as the Local Council, MEP and even General Elections.

What do you make of these latest statements by the PN and the OPM? Sound off in the comments below.

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Lovin Malta's Head of Content, Dave has been in journalism for the better half of the last decade. Prefers Instagram, but has been known to doomscroll on TikTok. Loves chicken, women's clothes and Kanye West (most of the time).

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