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‘Integrity For Sale’: David Casa Brings Life-Sized Cut Out Of Edward Scicluna And Pig Balloon To Castille

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PN MEP David Casa stood outside of Castille with a life-sized cutout of Central Bank Governor Edward Scicluna, as well as a pig balloon and an “integrity for sale” sign marked as sold.

Edward Scicluna sold his integrity for greed just like the rest of them,” Casa stated.

Scicluna was Malta’s finance minister during the time of the Vitals deal and after being named in the magisterial inquiry into the case, the Attorney General has decided to charge him with fraud and misappropriation. Former Deputy Prime Minister will be charged with the same offences.

This led to several calls for resignation while Prime Minister Robert Abela emphasised the principle of the “presumption of innocence” saying that every suspected criminal must enjoy it.

“Edward Scicluna has remained at the helm of Malta’s Central Bank despite the charges he is facing in court, effectively confirming that he has sold off his decency and integrity so as to keep his nose firmly attached to the trough,” the PN Head of Delegation said.

Casa stood in Castille Square beside a life-sized Scicluna poster holding a bespectacled pig balloon and sporting a for sale sign reading INTEGRITÀ, with its price set at “€150,000 per annum, or nearest offer”.

“It is shameful that Sciculna has decided to remain in post despite the charges,” Casa wrote.

“Scicluna was in control of the country’s finances when the Maltese people were defrauded out of €400 million through the corrupt hospital deal. These facts are undisputed.

“He must have either been completely incompetent or was well aware of what was happening, decided to look the other way and was subsequently rewarded for his complicity.

“He should have resigned long ago. But now that he is being criminally charged for his involvement his continued tenure is causing irreparable damage to Malta and its reputation and puts the livelihoods of those working in the financial sector at risk.

“He has sold his integrity and decency to allow criminals to get rich off the backs of the Maltese people and to now continue pigging out himself. He should resign immediately, it’s already too late.”

Casa has been calling for the resignation of Scicluna since the news that he will be facing charges broke out.

In fact, this isn’t his first time using inflatable pigs to protest the governor. Last week, he showed up outside Central Bank with pig balloons and a sign that asked “haven’t you pigged out enough?”

Do you think Scicluna should resign?

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Ana is a university graduate who loves a heated debate, she’s very passionate about humanitarian issues and justice. In her free time you’ll probably catch her binge watching way too many TV shows or thinking about her next meal.

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