Maltese 15-Year-Old’s Impassioned Letter To Youths: ‘Let’s Help The Two Gladiators Become Friends’
Bradley Cachia, a 15-year-old Maltese activist, has penned a heartfelt open letter to the nation’s youth in which he urges them to become the generation which rises above political partisanship.
“Unfortunately, my Maltese friend, you’ve been exposed to the trap of partisanship,” Bradley wrote. “You’ve often heard your parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts arguing with others about how their leader does nothing but good to the country and how, God bless, he never does anything wrong.”
“You hear them debating and imagine you’re in the audience of a gladiator ring. For this is what Maltese politics is; a continuous battles between a red gladiator and a blue one.”
Advising youths to “step into the ring and urge the gladiators to stop fighting”, Bradley urged youths not to reject friendships on the basis of a person’s political beliefs.
“If you are a patriot and believe that our Malta deserves the best possible, then I advise you not to refuse friendships simply because the other person may not share your political ideology.”
“Actually, you should take the opportunity to discuss your beliefs and help each other think more constructively about the sociopolitical situation of the country. We don’t need more division on this tiny rock.”
“The right to vote is a large responsibly and I urge you to use it properly and not to vote for a party or politician simply because your parents had voted that way. Vote for those who will place the common good of Malta above their own personal interests.”
As for youths thinking of getting involved in politics themselves, Bradley urged them to properly weigh out their options before taking the plunge.
“Remember that once you’ve entered the political sphere, it’s very difficult to get out of it, so I urge you to carefully evaluate your choices.”
“I urge you to be open to discussions with people from the opposing political camp. Don’t limit yourself to your own party’s suggestions and proposals. Be ready to work with everyone, even if you can’t see many examples of this being carried out nowadays.”
“You are our country’s only hope to putting an end to this necessity of being blue or red once and for all. We should enter this arena and help the two gladiators become friends. Be catalysts of change. Be an active citizen. Put an end to the divide.”