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‘Nothing And No One Will Stop Me’: David Casa To Present Malta’s Benefits Fraud Racket ‘Facts’ To European Parliament

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MEP David Casa, has presented compelling evidence to the European Parliament regarding Malta’s recent benefit scheme racket allegations.

“Whoever I talk to is furious about this abuse,” Casa wrote on social media sharing the news. “No one and nothing will stop me. Because this abuse is definitely not worthy of a European country.”


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The allegations imply that 900 people benefitted from a “coordinated criminal system” where they would be offered medical benefits of up to €450 per month for conditions they did not have – supposedly in exchange for votes ahead of elections such as the Local Council, MEP, and even General Elections.

Beneficiaries of the scheme would provide falsified documents which would then lead them to sit down in front of a Social Security board in Santa Venera and in a matter of minutes, they would be entitled to the monthly benefits.

Initially revealed by a Times of Malta report, the detailed racket was broken down in a simplified context by Jason Azzopardi on a recent Jon Mallia podcast episode.

What do you make of the latest developments? Sound off in the comments.

READ NEXT: 'No Sitting MP Involved' In Disability Benefits Racket, Robert Abela Says

Lovin Malta's Head of Content, Dave has been in journalism for the better half of the last decade. Prefers Instagram, but has been known to doomscroll on TikTok. Loves chicken, women's clothes and Kanye West (most of the time).

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