WATCH: Distressed Caller Claims One News Told Her They Were ‘Ordered Not To Mention’ New COVID-19 Cases
Labour Party-owned ONE News is intentionally keeping people in the dark when it comes to Malta’s daily COVID-19 numbers, Opposition-owned NET has claimed following a viewer’s complaint on F-Living.
The call in question happened during a televised interview with Labour deputy Anthony Agius Decelis, with the ‘Super One News follower’ saying she had called the newsroom to ask whether they’d announce the new daily numbers of COVID-19.
“He told me they won’t mention them,” the woman said, going on to say that the person on the line had also told her they were “ordered not to mention them.”
“It is clear that Super One has been given a directive to not mention anything about the Coronavirus,” NET concluded in a video sharing the phonecall in question.
“In the last two days, the news on Super One did not have any coverage on the Coronavirus in our country,” NET continued. “The same can be said of the website, where there’s a total lack of information.”
In fact, it seems like the last COVID-related story on One News’ portal is about a dress covered in the names of Malta’s frontliners that has been placed at Mater Dei Hospital. Meanwhile, a small notice prompts readers to a separate, dedicated site “for more official details on COVID-19″… but is currently using a broken link.
NET went on to claim that “sources close to the Labour Party” had actually said the decision to stop reporting on COVID-19 in Malta had irritated a number of works, with a “division in the One News newsroom” allegedly happening as a result.