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Over A Quarter Of A Million In Undeclared Cash Was Discovered At Malta’s Airport This Month Alone

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Customs officials have once again discovered thousands in undeclared cash on passengers at Malta’s Airport, in a record-breaking year for cash seizures that has seen over €615,000 found.

In the last month alone, officers have seized just over a quarter of a million: €280,000.

Starting with the substantial discovery of close to €130,000 just as May was drawing to a close, sniffer dogs discovered a further six cases of persons carrying undeclared cash.

A quick look at recent cases also reveals that undeclared sums passing through Malta International Airport is certainly not one-way traffic, with customs officers discovering passengers both when departing and arriving into the country.

The seizures come just as new legislation came into force only recently allowing the passenger to forfeit the cash (up to €10,000) to avoid appearing in court and risking a hefty fine.

If a passenger is found carrying undeclared cash that amounts to under €20,000, he can also agree to an out-of-court settlement with the Customs Department, also avoiding court.

The law was first put into practice for the first time on 10th May, according to officials.

2019 itself has been a record-breaking year in terms of undeclared cash seizures after more than €200,000 was found in a person’s checked-in luggage. With a tally of €615,000, this year is already dwarfing 2018’s €113,299 haul.

The massive improvements are being felt across all sections of the customs unit with officials also discovering record drug seizures in 2017, 2018, and 2019.

READ NEXT: ‘We Need To Focus On The Drugs Coming Into Malta’: Customs Director Believes Work Done At Freeport Must Be Replicated On A Local Level

Julian is the former editor of Lovin Malta and has a particular interest in politics, the environment, social issues, and human interest stories.

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