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Paulina Dembska Managed To Injure Abner Aquilina As He Brutally Raped And Murdered Her

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TW + CW, the following post contains details regarding to rape and murder which some readers may find distressing.

Paulina Dembska managed to fight back and injure her accused murderer as he brutally raped and tortured her, forensic scientist Mario Scerri testified in court.

Scerri said that Dembska was strong enough to fight back against her aggressor who “beat her badly”.

This was evident through lesions that were compatible with the struggle found on Abner Aquilina’s body.

Consequently, Scerri added that Dembska was conscious during the attack explaining that “she did not die suddenly, she was aware that she was dying.”

Two cuts in her genitals showed that she was forcefully penetrated, while other lesions proved that she was conscious and resisting the vaginal rape.

Scerri explained that Paulina was left lying on a ramp naked from the waist down with her legs apart. Next to her were jeans, a shoe, a handful of hair and drops of blood. There was also a jacket that he later discovered was put on her by someone to cover her up.

Dembska was found with multiple bruises on her face, thighs and chest. She had fractured neck bones which indicated the application of “severe lateral manual pressure” which caused her lips to split as the attacker pushed down on her mouth.

A lateral abrasion on her neck indicated that the injury was caused by the scarf that she was wearing. Her death was in fact caused by strangulation from manual pressure on the neck.

“She was beaten badly before suffocating to death.”

While at the depot, Abner was examined by Scerri who said it was clear that he was experiencing psychosis and was later escorted to Mount Carmel where he was examined.

Police officer William Grech testified that he was ordered to assist in the investigation on 2nd January. Soon Aquilina began to try and provoke Grech who didn’t respond. The aggressor went on to speak about the murder, saying “magnets are making me get out and kill more people.”

At another point during the investigation, Aquilina similarly said “I would kill others, as this was the first murder.”

The Court declared that today’s sitting was meant to last three hours, but it only ran for an hour and a half. Apart from police officers, seven civilian witnesses still have to testify and it was the responsibility of the police to present them.

The Court condemned the prosecution because they said that if the police officers who were supposed to appear at the hearing were detailed to other urgent work, there should have been other officers to carry out the responsibility.

What do you make of these case revelations?

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Ana is a university graduate who loves a heated debate, she’s very passionate about humanitarian issues and justice. In her free time you’ll probably catch her binge watching way too many TV shows or thinking about her next meal.

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