People Choosing To Do A DV Risk Assessment In Malta Increased By Almost 33% From Last Year
The number of people in Malta choosing to do a domestic violence risk assessment has increased by 32.6% since January 2023, according to the Foundation For Social Welfare Services (FSWS).
The FSWS, which is responsible for Aġenżija Appoġġ, issued a statement yesterday explaining that the number of people agreeing to these assessments is increasing.
It turns out that 165 more people decided to go ahead with a risk assessment between January and June of this year than they did during the same period in 2023 with the number of people undergoing risk assessments rising to 671.
The foundation further emphasised that social workers value “client self-determination” meaning the victims have the right to decide whether or not to undergo a risk assessment despite filing a police report.
Appoġġ operates the Domestic Violence Unit and performed 1,317 risk assessments during all of last year. These assessments concerned 1,104 people and amounted to 1,592.39 hours of interventions. Meanwhile, between January and June of this year 771 risk assessments concerning 671 people were carried out.
After a risk assessment, the victim is offered emotional, physical, and practical support, FSWS stated. The person can also accept the help of social workers from the DV Unit. They’re also offered to spend time at an emergency shelter or to return home with the option to live with relatives. In this case, safety planning with the victim and their family would be carried out. A business card with the numbers of helplines and other organisations that offer help is also provided.
If the case is determined as “high risk” then it will go before the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Meeting.
The statement comes after the tragic murder of Nicolette Ghirxi who had a recent interaction with the DV unit when she reported her ex-partner for harassment multiple times, although it does not reference the particular case. Ghirxi decided not to undergo a risk assessment.
This sparked criticism toward the DV unit for not protecting Ghirxi. It’s possible that FSWS was reacting to this criticism.
Do you think victims should be able to refuse a risk assessment after filing a police report of domestic violence?