Pilots Association Demand Air Malta CEO ‘Come Clean’ About His Salary Cut Before Asking Employees To Take 90% Pay Cut

The Airline Pilots Associations is demanding that Air Malta’s management reveal its pay cuts to ensure fairness across the board, in light of news that the airline will be laying off 108 of its 134 pilots in an attempt to cut costs.
“The burden of the current situation must be borne equally by all employees from the very top to the bottom,” ALPA said in a press release.
“Air Malta’s management, most notably the CEO Mr Clifford Chetcuti, has lost his opportunity to come clean and tell his workforce upfront about his salary cuts and perks, like most other respectable CEOs around the globe have done,” they said.
“ALPA demands answers as to management’s pay cuts to ensure fairness across the board and insist that management should lead by example.”
The airline industry has seen a significant drop in revenue during the COVID-19 crisis with all flights having been grounded for the time being.
Yesterday, Air Malta announced that it is set to lay off 108 of its 134 pilots in an attempt to cut costs after reports indicated that pilots refused to take a pay cut of €1,200 per month.
“Contrary to media assertions in recent days, ALPA has not refused any proposals which would require sacrifices from its members. In 2004, ALPA members had their salaries slashed and subsequently frozen for a number of years due to other negative world events.”
ALPA ended its press release demanding information about what the post-COVID-19 situation entails for pilots and urged Chetcuti to “come clean about his percentage pay cut… before asking his pilots to take up a 90% pay cut.”