PL’s Clint Azzopardi Flores Pledges To Fight For New Affordable Housing Model In Personal Manifesto

Labour MEP candidate Clint Azzopardi Flores is launching a fully-fledged personal manifesto tomorrow ahead of the upcoming European Parliament election.
The manifesto, which Lovin Malta has seen, includes 20 policies that Azzopardi Flores has promised to work on if he gets elected.
Key among them is a promise to work to introduce a new EU model for affordable housing.
“Many youths realise that the Maltese government has helped them through grants of €10,000 over a ten-year period to help them get a home loan,” Azzopardi Flores wrote.
“However, we need to explore new models of affordable housing and new financial models, even through the European Investment Bank, so as to offer a cheaper loan that will then be reflected in the price.”
He noted that the Affordable Housing Foundation, an initiative between the government and the Church, launched a scheme to provide loans at a discounted rate but said more can be done through guarantees by the European Investment Bank.
Azzopardi Flores is also promising to work in favour of a European right to adequate green spaces within walking distance of residences.
“We need to embark on a European public consultation process to take stock of the situation and give visibility to the needs of small countries, where territory is limited and pressure on the ecosystem is greater,” he wrote.
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