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PN Gains Msida And San Ġwann: Local Council 2024 Results Day Two

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On day two of the local council 2024 election results, PN took over a couple of Labour strongholds.

Here’s a quick summary of what happened:

  • In a turn of events, Kaylocke Buhagiar, an independent candidate, has Birkirkara in a deadlock with both major parties having six seats each
  • Bormla is now fully run by five Labour seats
  • San Ġwann and Msida have flipped to PN
  • Sliema elected all 11 PN candidates and increased majority

More details:


PL: Izak Catania De Giovanni, Clayton Cascun Portelli, Darren Marmara, Ray Deguara, Ryan Ellul, Josianne Scicluna and Adrian Tanti

PN: Charles Bonello and Mark Lombardo


PL: Alfred Attard, Gilmour Borg, Yana Borg Debono Grech,  Rosette Cassar, Stefano Sicari and Karl Cutajar

PN: Antoine Attard, Desirei Grech, Maurizio Gauci, Jade England, Luke Vella and Marie Claire Zammit Bonello

Independent: Kaylocke Buhagiar


PL: Mario Calleja (Mayor), Janice Falzon, Patrick Camilleri, Charlo Mifsud, Francis Gilford, Mary-Rose Mifsud and Beverly Saliba

PN: Jesmond Abela, John Baptist Camilleri, Errol Cutajar and Celine Camilleri


PN: John Pillow (Mayor), Anton Debono, Joseph Aquilina, Vivien Borg Olivier, Zack Zammit, Jacqueline Higgans, Emanuel Borg, John Dougall, David Soler and Kevin Wain

PL: Wallace Baldacchino, Ryan Borg, David Muscat

Rabat (Malta)

PL: Charmaine Balzan, Graziella Brincat, Sandro Craus (Mayor), Matthew Chetcuti, and Paul Grech

PN: Nazju Cassar, Rudolph Grima, Norbert Grech, Terence Sant


PN: Diane Abela Penza, Carl Betts, Donio Cini and Tony Dalli

PL: Lorianne Farrugia

Rabat (Gozo)

PN: Brian Azzopardi (Mayor), George Cassar, Josef Schembri and Marcell Tabone

PL: Mariella Abela, Michel Buttigieg and Joseph Debrincat


PL: Steven Grech (Mayor), Miriam Camilleri and Daniel Zerafa

PN: Reno Bugeja

Independent: Matthew Bugeja


PN: Charles Selvaggi (Mayor), Christine Amaira, Maurice Agius, Christopher Borg and Alfred Farrugia

PL:Jean Claude Borg, Joseph Chricop and Andrew Mallia


PL: Wayne Aquilina (Mayor), Vincent Bongailas, Speranza Chricop and Nadine Micallef

PN: Maria Sultana


PL: Joseph Agius, Patrick Barbara,

Martina Baldacchino, Marc Vella Bonnici, Jorge Grech, Mark Grech, Toshera Schembri and Charlie Scicluna

PN: Joseph Buttigieg, Anna Calleja and Leone Sciberras

San Ġwann

PN: Domnic Cassar (Mayor), Norbert Dalli, Noel Dimech, Salvu Debono, Lino Pace Taliana and Pauline Vella Critien

PL: Giordani Mifsud Bonnici, Claire Zammit Calleja, Trevor Fenech, Javier Caruana and Joan Farrugia


PN: Odette Muscat,  Paul Vella (Mayor) and Wistin Vella

PL: Owen Galea and Charles Said


PL: Melanie Agius Attard, Neville Camilleri, Silvio Jason (Mayor), Domnic Grima and Darren Lynch

PN: Roderick Caruana and Rose Piccinino


PL: Romeo Baldacchino (Mayor), Andrew Dalli  and Maria Micallef

PN: Stefan Caruana and Claire Chetcuti


PL: Steven Axisa, Karl Boxall (Mayor), Brian Xuereb, Christine Dalli, Jesmond Manicolo and Naomi Mizzi

PN: Stephen Attard


Għarb L-Ewwel: David Apap and Lisa Marie Brooke

PL: Tonio Mifsud and Joseph Mizzi

PN: Louis Apap


PL: Marco Agius (Mayor), Rita Gatt, Noyah Spiteri Hammett, Martin Vella and Glauber Spiteri


PL: Aaron Agius, John Victor Curmi (Mayor), Rita Marion Portelli and Christian Zammit

PN: Kevin Cutajar, Francienne Muscat and Leanne Micallef


PL: Philip Cassar, Philip Vella (Mayor),  Frances Galea and Maria Cassar Sultana

PN:Franco Bajada


PL: Saviour Azzopardi, Stefano Savo (Mayor), Charles Grech and Ryan Douglas Tanti 

PN: Colin Bowman, Josef Fitzpatrick and Mark Pisani

Stay tuned for more updates today on the final day at the counting hall

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