PN MP Asks Whether Infrastructure Ministry Plans To Reimburse Mosta Residents For Damages Due To Road Works

PN MP Ivan Bartolo has questioned the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure on whether there are any plans to reimburse residents for damages suffered during prolonged roadworks in Triq il-Kbira, Mosta.
In a parliamentary question, Bartolo asked “can the Minister say whether he will consider offering compensation for damages to residents and businesses in Triq il-Kbira?”
In the response, Minister Aaron Farrugia explained the road suffered extensive damage to not being rebuilt for decades, detailing that Infrastructure Malta had to lay more than four kilometres of new underground systems.
He also highlighted that residents and business owners on the said road will enjoy better infrastructure for many years to come, as well as improvements in the provision of services serving the same road.
But with regards to damages, Farrugia only asked for a clarification on which damages Bartolo was referring to.
This comes as the owners of a business on the same road are seeking damages through a judicial protest against Infrastructure Malta, Transport Malta and the Mosta local council.
The owners of the boutique hotel suffered damages as a result of the road works, where a pneumatic hammer was being used which led to cracks in one of the rooms within the hotel.
Read Farrugia’s full response here:
The first half of the reconstruction of this road was completed in March 2021 and the works in the second half started immediately after.
Due to the fact that it had not been rebuilt for decades, the road suffered extensive damage to its surface and pavements, while underground service systems had to be replaced, including the pipelines. drainage and water pipes.
In fact, Infrastructure Malta has laid more than four kilometers of new underground systems, and two-storey trenches had to be dug deep under the road surface for drainage. The agency also introduced a new extensive rainwater harvesting system through which large underground sewers were also routed.
As this road is narrow, all these new underground services had to be delicately installed next to or on top of each other, without disturbing the old systems that were still used to service the buildings of the area until the new systems have been put in place.
Residents and business owners on this road will enjoy better infrastructure for many years to come, as well as improvements in the provision of services serving the same road, and whose distribution pipelines are being used. change and strengthen through this project.
All the works originally planned by Infrastructure Malta to rebuild this road were scheduled to be completed by the end of this month. In fact, the agency has already completed all its works except for the final laying of the asphalt at the end of the road.
However, in recent months, as the works were nearing completion, the Mosta Local Council has ordered several additional works in this last part of the road, closest to the square. These include culverts and pavements to lower the wires along the facades of the houses underground, as well as paving stones for the new sidewalks.
Through this additional work, the road will continue to look better, with a better environment for all those who live in it or travel through it by different means. Infrastructure Malta will complete the reconstruction of the road with the last asphalt works as the additional works ordered by the Local Council will be completed towards the end of the summer.
Asphalt works had to be postponed so that the new road surface would not be damaged by the added works.
It will be appreciated if it is clarified what exactly the damages referred to are.
Lovin Malta has also received various complaints about the road, both from residents in the area, as well as business owners who have faced various struggles with their establishments.
Triq il-Kbira, one of the principal roads where people can enter Mosta, was closed for the first time back in November 2020, having been opened again in December.
Then, it was closed entirely in March 2021, and it has not been opened for traffic again since. This has caused a major inconvenience, both for residents and also for anyone commuting in the centre of Malta.
What do you make of Farrugia’s response?