PN Official Offers Rare Criticism Of Abela Over Rosianne Cutajar Remark
A PN official has become one of the only people within his party to publicly criticise Robert Abela for offering Rosianne Cutajar a potential political lifeline two days ago.
“Robert Abela seems to think that a job must be found for Rosianne Cutajar, and that the country is somehow disgraced if she didn’t have some role to fulfill,” remarked Jamie Vella, the president of the PN’s equal opportunities forum FOIPN.
“How can this country ever move forward when just a few months of suspension from the Labour parliamentary group and ‘good behaviour’, in our PM’s head mean = ‘she paid a hefty price’ ? How insulting.”
“Rosianne Cutajar is literally the personification of the sleaze that is eroding any remaining trust in our institutions and leaders, and I honestly couldn’t care less about how ‘effective’ she supposedly was as PS. That’s not the point. We can do without her, just fine.”
The PN’s radio silence on Cutajar, who has long been one of their favourite political targets, is intriguing.
Only a month ago, PN leader Bernard Grech said he would file a parliamentary motion requesting Cutajar return money she was paid for an ITS consultancy that the National Audit Office warned was likely a phantom job.
However, it has yet to actually file this motion. Meanwhile, Cutajar has questioned whether the 13 PN MPs who work within the government go to work everyday.
Abela said this week that Grech’s own parliamentary group blocked him from presenting the Cutajar motion out of fear that it could boomerang against the party.
Do you think Rosianne Cutajar should return to the PL?