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PN Rebels Accuse Robert Abela Of Using Political Event To Defend Adrian Delia

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A group of 19 Nationalist MPs and MEPs adamant about ousting Adrian Delia from his position as party and Opposition leader have claimed that Prime Minister Robert Abela made use of his political event earlier today to defend Delia.

“It is crucial for the Labour Party that Adrian Delia remains Opposition and Nationalist Party leader,” the group said.

“This was confirmed by the Prime Minister and Labour Party Leader Robert Abela, when he used his Sunday morning activity to defend Adrian Delia and try and influence the President’s decision.”

The so-called PN rebels went on to say that the Labour Party has been trying its hardest to defend Adrian Delia throughout the past three years, “this is a tactic that has reached its climax throughout the past few days, after the majority of the Nationalist Parliamentary Group took this courageous and necessary step.”

The MPs, who represent a majority of the Opposition, recently informed President George Vella that they recognise Therese Comodini Cachia, and not Adrian Delia, as Opposition leader.

Vella is currently considering the constitutional implications of their request but the 19 MPs and MEPs said they are confident he will appoint Comodini Cachia as Opposition leader.

“Our position is clear: the President needs to act according to our country’s Constitution,” the group said. “This was explained by Giovanni Bonello (ex-judge at the European Court of Human Rights), Profs. Kevin Aquilina, and lawyer Austin Bencini. The President needs to remove Adrian Delia from Opposition Leader and instead appoint someone who is supported by the majority of the Nationalist Parliamentary Group: Therese Comodini Cachia.“

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