Repubblika Demand Public Inquiry Following Shocking Revelations Of Police Overtime Abuse

The NGO Repubblika is calling for a public independent inquiry into the Police Corps following last week’s revelations of a major racket revolving around traffic officers’ overtime.
Repubblika took to a Facebook post to demand a public inquiry to determine whether ‘there is a culture of abuse, corruption and impunity’ within the whole of the Police Corps.
“The facts that are emerging about the situation in the Police Corps are shocking and point towards a culture of abuse, corruption and impunity that has also taken root within the Police Corps,” the post said.
The news of traffic officers claiming overtime without showing up to work has shocked the island and has led to allegations that whole branches of police departments may be corrupt.
“This is not an investigation into individual criminal behaviour, nor is it a condemnation of those members of the Police Corps who do their duty and who deserve our respect.”
“This is an investigation into the hidden corrupt culture, structures and networks that have corroded the very core of the Police Corps.”
So far, 41 people have been arrested as a result of the investigation and seven officers have resigned, one of which was head of the traffic unit, superintendent Walter Spiteri.
“The permissiveness and evident complicity of members of the Police Corps is further proof of the collapse of our country’s institutions, and of the fact that corruption has reached such high and widespread levels that is has even corrupted those who are entrusted to fight it,” the statement ended.