Resign Or Get Sacked: ChatGPT Weighs In On The Fate Of Byron Camilleri

ChatGPT joined calls for the removal of Byron Camilleri from his post as Minister after former TVM presenter Norman Vella input to the software a host of scandals and failures that occurred during his tenure.
Vella said he input the Ombudsman’s damning report on Malta’s prison which found uncovered the degrading treatment of prisoners, he outlined the 14 suicides that occurred in prison despite rumours of cruel treatment by the former prison director, he mentioned the ID Card scandal and the stolen addresses as well as the 200 kilos of drugs stolen “right under the army’s nose”.
ChatGPT said that, given the “scale and seriousness of these failures” the Minister should resign. If he refuses, the Prime Minister “has the duty to fire him”.
“Allowing someone with such a track record to remain in power not only undermines public trust but signals a tolerance for incompetence of corruption at the highest levels,” the software wrote.
That being said, ChatGPT’s decision was based solely on Camilleri’s major failures and none of his successes.
Yesterday morning, Camilleri released a shocking statement confirming that he has offered his resignation to Prime Minister Robert Abela whorefused it. He did this after the drug theft from the Armed Forces of Malta (AFM) premises however calls to see his removal began long before.
The treatment of prisoners at the Corradino Correctional Facility has long been criticised, with an Ombudsman report confirming the degrading and inhumane treatment of prisoners during Alex Dalli’s time as director. During his tenure, suicides within prison quadrupled.
Camilleri was called to resign because he defended Dalli despite reports of cruel treatment. In 2021, Dalli suspended himself after the string of suicides while inquiry results pushed the government to not allow him to return. However, the ministry wanted to continue to “make use of his talents” as special envoy in Libya where he earns a generous €100,000 a year.
Do you think Abela should accept or deny Camilleri’s resignation?