Rosianne Cutajar Suggests Activists Behind Fundraiser Are ‘First-Class Nationalists’
Parliamentary secretary Rosianne Cutajar suggested that Godfrey Leone Ganado and Rachel Williams, the two activists who launched a fundraiser after losing a libel instigated against them by Cutajar, are “first-class Nationalists.”
Cutajar sued Leone Ganado and Williams for libel in 2018 after Leone Ganado implied she was a prostitute and a call girl on both his own and Williams’ Facebook walls.
The two activists are presently crowdfunding €3,600 to cover their legal and court fees and the moral damages they are bound to pay.
“I’m only going to be making a political comment,” Cutajar wrote.
“It is evident that, in this country, there’s a small group of people that’s very close to the Nationalist party that think they are first-class members of society and believe that they can insult whoever they want in whatever way they want.”
“And after the Courts condemn their acts, they ask the public to pays for the consequences they faced in court.”
At the time of writing, the activists raised €725 of the €3,600 goal.
“If applicable, all remaining funds not utilised to settle said costs will be remitted to Dar Merħba Bik which we know to be an organisation that truly protects and upholds a woman’s dignity,” the two activists wrote.
Cutajar has described the court’s ruling as a “victory to all girls and women” and a strong statement that it’s unacceptable to call a woman a ‘whore’ simply because she is a woman.