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Search For Two Fugitives Continues After Escape From Malta Runway

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Three Moroccan men arrested in connection with the emergency landing at Malta International Airport have been sent back to their home country and banned from entering both Malta and the Schengen area.

Meanwhile, police are still searching for two other individuals who fled the airport during the incident.


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Their passport photos have been released, and the public is encouraged to contact the police with any information. This can be done via messenger, by calling the Police Headquarters at 21224001/119, or anonymously through the nearest police station, quoting case number 1/2025.

Two Moroccans, aged 28 and 34, were arrested yesterday after fleeing the plane during the emergency landing and were deported back to their country this morning.

The 28-year-old Moroccan who was held at Mater Dei Hospital after requesting medical assistance—causing the emergency landing—was deported in the evening.

All three have been issued a Travel Ban, preventing them from returning to Malta or any Schengen country.

Have you seen these men?

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Lovin Malta’s social media coordinator, Charlene is a massive Swiftie obsessed with animals, scrolling and travelling. If she’s in the country for more than a day, you can find her reading on @onlyforthebooks

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