St Julian’s Hotel Weekender Starting Today Cancelled Due To Sudden Spike In COVID-19 Cases

The long-awaited Offline hotel takeover in the Radisson Blu Resort in St Julian’s has been cancelled due to a sudden spike in COVID-19 cases related to a previous takeover in the same hotel.
“The events at the hotel are now confirmed to be cancelled,” the organisers of Offline said today after speculation over whether the event would go ahead.
“Whoever wants to stay at the hotel anyway for the weekend can do so (obviously you will be refunded for the events and you will get a discounted rate on the rooms, please discuss this at check-in),” organisers advised.
They asked all would-be attendees to give them time to reply to messages, and that they’ll update fans as more information comes in.
The cancellation comes after six new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed to be related to a hotel takeover organised by G7 and Sound Salon in the same hotel the previous week. Health authorities are urging everyone who attended that takeover to get swabbed for the virus.
The Radisson Blu Resort has since issued a statement clarifying their decision: