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Surrogacy And President’s Role On Agenda Of Malta’s Youth Parliament

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The National Youth Council (KNŻ) has announced that the upcoming National Youth Parliament will be held on 16th September. This annual event gives youths a chance to step into the shoes of a Member of Parliament for a day, engaging with the procedures of the Maltese Parliament and meeting MPs.

As in previous years, participants can choose to join a party to argue in favour or against a specific motion. However, perhaps cognisant of the national rise of independent candidates, they can also choose to participate as independent MPs.

This year’s themes are:

  • The role of the President of the Republic of Malta
  • The legalisation of surrogacy in Malta

This event is open to youths aged 13-30. Throughout the summer, participants will have the chance to create resolutions on these themes and present them during the parliamentary sitting at the end of summer.

Once the resolutions are heard, these documents will be presented to the President, the Prime Minister and the Opposition Leader, making this an exercise in civic engagement.

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