Tarxien Suitor Demands €10,000 From Man To Stop Messaging Partner, Boyfriend Replies With ‘It’s Not Like She’s Kim Kardashian’

A Tarxien youth has been accused with slightly injuring another man with a pocketknife as well as threatening others following a romantic dispute.
The youth, 23-year-old Tyler Camilleri, reportedly began messaging a woman who was already in a relationship with another man. The boyfriend contacted Camilleri, asking him to stop messaging his girlfriend, TVM reported.
Camilleri demanded that the boyfriend send him €10,000 to stop the messaging, to which the boyfriend said, “It’s not like I have a Kim Kardashian”, a courtroom heard today.
A few days later, the two men met in the Raħal Ġdid pjazza, in front of a każin, where someone said “ara ġie l-purċinell’ (“here comes the clown”) towards Camilleri.
An argument immediately rose, and Camilleri allegedly pulled out his pocketknife.
Camilleri admitted to the charges against him, with the court announcing a protection order for the victims as well as for Camilleri to be placed under supervision.
He was granted bail against a €500 deposit and a personal guarantee of €2,000, and he must sign a bail book at the Żabbar police station weekly.
Lawyers Franco Debono and Marion Camilleri appeared for the accused.
What do you make of this back and forth?