There Are Only 13 Healthier Countries Than Malta
It may come as a bit of a surprise to the naval-gazers among us, but it turns out Malta is actually a pretty healthy place to live. Healthier even than seemingly more advanced societies like Germany, Denmark and Switzerland.
According to a report by iconic medical journal The Lancet, which analysed quality of life in terms of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Malta ranks 14th out of 188 countries.
The highest-ranking countries were Iceland, Singapore and Sweden. The US ranked 25th.
Malta obviously lost points due to its many first-world problems like obesity, pollution, smoking and alcohol. Our HIV rates also brought down our the average.
But what made up for it was our lack of war, disaster and perhaps most surprisingly, lack of road injuries.
One thing the study almost definitely forgot is the dangers of fireworks and how they’re making us fat. But maybe that’s not a really big deal after all, when compared to what happens in so many other countries around us.